Nuit Blanche des D-1 before the start of the event!

Nuit Blanche des Chercheures see you on Thursday January 27

Nantes University and Stereolux are joining forces for the 6th consecutive year for the Nuit Blanche des Chercheur·es. See you live on the Nantes University YouTube channel on January 27 from 6:15 p.m. to 11 p.m.! This year, the “Border(s)” theme will be at the heart of the program!

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For its sixth consecutive year, Nantes university is once again organizing the Nuit Blanche des on Thursday 27 January. The event, designed with the ambition of combining science and culture in a festive spirit, constitutes a high point of encounter between researchers and the general public. For this new edition, make way for a new format: thehybrid. Indeed, part of the programming will be done face-to-face while another will be live on Youtube.

The 2022 Researchers’ White Night teaser © University of Nantes

“Border(s)” as the theme this year

After the theme of the unexpected in 2021, this year, make way for the border(s)! Because yes, in terms of knowledge, borders also have their place, their role and are constantly questioned Whether it is for citizens or even researchers, borders are at the heart of current events. They cross languages, bodies, minds, space and time. We draw them, we challenge them, we train them or fight them. It is with this observation, but also the issues arising from it, that the Nuit Blanche des Chercheurs was designed this year. The scientists present at this event will thus provide food for thought for thinking and imagining borders differently.

The program

Conferences: from 6:15 p.m. to 9 p.m.

At Stereolux in the Maxi Room and also live on YouTube, four major conferences, hosted by Nora Hamadi, will deal with borders: science and opinion, sex and gender, migrations or even borders between street dances and history. Scientists from Nantes University and renowned guests offer, for an evening, to learn, understand and go beyond the frontiers of knowledge.

  • Etienne Klein, physicist, philosopher of science and populariser, will open the conference ball and will evoke the ambivalence of our relationship to science and the credibility of research which bends under the force of events and public opinion.
  • Patricia Lemarchand, university professor at Nantes University, hospital practitioner in pulmonology, Paulin e Goasmat, director and Pascale Mahot, hospital practitioner in endocrinology at the University Hospital of Nantes will approach the borders of the genre which can be plural.
  • Philippe Béziat, director will talk to us about his film “Les Indes Galantes”, at the frontiers of street dances and history put into images and stories.
  • To close this session of conferences, place for Yves Pascouau, specialist in migration issues and senior associate researcher at the Jacques Delors Institute, and Estelle D’Halluin, Lecturer in sociology at Nantes University. They will discuss migration and mobility at the frontiers of hospitality.

Science in play: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Three original formats specially concocted for the event are offered this year to see research differently:

  • an offbeat conference for which 3 researchers from Nantes University will lend themselves to the popularization game with challenges to be met live,
  • a participatory quiz to learn more about the frontiers of life,
  • a dive into the story during which it is the public who chooses the scenario.

Article produced in partnership with Nantes University

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