SLEEPLESS NIGHT. The 21st edition of the contemporary art event takes place in Paris, Saturday June 3, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., depending on location. A way to observe your neighborhood from a new perspective.
[Mis à jour le 2 juin 2023 à 23h00] Art and culture lovers are impatiently awaiting Saturday evening, June 3, for the 21st edition of Nuit Blanche in Paris. The cultural event settles in June for an interesting program. For its 2023 edition, the Nuit blanche coincides with the Cultural Olympiad, which will be held until the Olympic Games (OG) of 2024, and extends, like last year, to Greater Paris.
What will you choose for this night visit? To build your program, there are several ways. For example, you can decide to go near you, thanks to the event map developed by Mapstr. You can also cross Paris to follow a specific atmosphere: artistic director Kitty Hartl has chosen to honor the Seine: the Parisian river will become an imaginary path for one night.
The Nuit Blanche 2023 extends from Paris to the suburbs (24 municipalities of Greater Paris). In addition to intramural Paris, it is found in the Hauts-de-Seine (92) in Gennevilliers, Nanterre; in Seine-Saint-Denis (93) in Bobigny, Saint-Ouen or in the Val de Marne (94) in Nogent-sur-Marne, Alfortville or in theEssone (91) in Juvisy-sur-Orge. Discover the interactive map of the Nuit Blanche installations in Paris and its suburbs from the Mapstr mobile application, which can be downloaded from iOS Or androiddesigned to find your way during the Nuit Blanche:
More than 200 artistic projects are to be discovered free of charge in Paris and its metropolis, on June 3, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., such as the fun Yeti Pop, the acrobatic performance of the lion dance, the costumes for children’s Playsack by Fredun Shapur or even the very quirky Mexican wrestlers Lucha Vavoom by Rita D’Albert!
- YETIS POP : twenty hybrid, colorful and eccentric creatures criss-cross the forecourt of the Hôtel de Ville through the public. Playful and surprising performances on rollerblades, where the bodies are in motion and the costumes shimmer. From 9 p.m., the Yétis Pop disperse on the banks of the Seine (between the Tuileries tunnel and the Henri IV tunnel) and accompany the brass bands in their wild movements. Metro : City Hall. Schedule : from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

- SUNSET IN PARIS : monumental floating installation by Mike Rijnierse (Netherlands) and Ludmila Rodrigues (Brazil), based in The Hague in the Netherlands. Sunset in Paris recreates the daily phenomenon of the sunset in the urban landscape of the capital. This precise moment is stretched here, it does not last a few minutes, but all night. By freezing the phenomenon of disappearance and making it visible at 360 degrees, the work creates a contemplative and disturbing spatiotemporal experience. Installation visible on the Seine, at the eastern tip of Île Saint-Louis in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. Metro : Sully-Morland. Schedule : from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

- THE DANCE OF THE LIONS : in a stylized lion costume, dancers and acrobats imitate the movements of the animal. Traditional dance of Chinese and Asian culture, these acrobatic performances with strong symbolic power fascinate and bring good luck. They celebrate, during the night, a hybrid world, half-human, half-animal. Metro : City Hall. Schedule : from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
- PLAYSACK costumes by designer Fredun Shapur (1968 – 2023 reissue) : the Playsack costumes by designer Fredun Shapur (1929-2019) were made from paper bags, featuring all kinds of animals (leopard, zebra, fox, bear, lion, panda, monkey, tiger, pig, owl, rabbit and frog). The reissue of the Playsacks, 55 years after their creation, in collaboration with Mira Shapur, the artist’s daughter, offers an unprecedented opportunity to once again bring together the twelve animals of her formidable invention. During Nuit Blanche, children are invited to pick up and put on a costume, a true work of art to wear and take away, to turn into a set of little animal creatures. Metro : City Hall. Schedule : from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

- LUCHA VAVOOM: Mexican wrestling and burlesque dancing : Originally from Los Angeles and founded in 2002, the Lucha Libre show, produced by Rita d’Albert, mixes Mexican wrestling with performances for an offbeat and excessive show, made in the USA. A boxing ring takes place in the street and hosts a choreography of the best luchadors in the world gathered especially for Nuit Blanche: superstars from Mexico, Los Angeles and Europe. Dressed in crazy costumes and Lucha Libre masks, the wrestlers meet in the ring, each with their own personality and signature move. The actions are linked, animated by a master of ceremonies, burlesque and acrobatic performances, on the rhythms of Mexican music, Colombian cumbia and boogaloo. Metro : Chatelet. Schedule : from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.

- SUFI DANCE with whirling dervish : Rana Gorgani, a choreographic artist of Iranian origin specializing in dances from the Persian world, is performing a series of original performances in the South gallery of the Petit Palais, on
contemporary and minimal music background, . For several years, she has devoted herself to Sufi spirituality through dance, from a universal, contemporary and secular perspective. She is one of the very few female whirling dervishes in the world! Sufi dance is distinguished by a continuous and rotating movement leading the dancer into an ecstatic state. This ancestral dance is traditionally reserved for men. Metro : Champs-Élysées – Clemenceau, Franklin D. Roosevelt or Invalides. Schedule : from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Nuit Blanche will take an artistic look at the Seine Axis, engine of economic development and cultural influence which crosses the capital, the Metropolis of Greater Paris and joins Rouen and Le Havre, partners of the event for the second consecutive year. “The event will also allow special attention to be paid to the river, which will host celebrations and competitions during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The cultural establishments located along its banks will be closely associated with the event”, announces the press release from press.

The Seine was chosen as the theme for this new edition by thehas artistic director Kitty Hartl, who is once again organizing the Nuit Blanche this year 2023 (after the year 2022). A recognition for the Austrian artist, who knew the inventor of the event, Jean Blaise, while she was in Nantes. At the same time, in 2004 she founded the Cabaret New Burlesque, made famous through the film Tournée by Mathieu Amalric, which won an award at Cannes in 2010.
The artistic festivities are organized on first weekend of June since this year 2023i.e. on the night of Saturday 3 to Sunday 4 June 2023.