Nuclear, Pichetto: we will have to take one step at a time

Bills Pichetto government evaluates mechanisms for exiting the protected market

(Finance) – The Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Picket Fratindeclared that the return to nuclear power will need to be taken “one step at a time”, with a discussion that also builds a new cornice legislation. Concluding the conference Utilitalia entitled “The prospects of energy markets, between insecurity, sustainability and competitiveness”, Pichetto claimed the fact that Italy has “formidable knowledge, experience, capabilities” and recalled the national platform on sustainable nuclear power launched on 21 September, with a comparison on seven tables.

“We have excellence in our country Ansaldo nuclear. We have orders for 2 billion, university brains, we have managed to maintain a strong capacity for 40 years”, underlined the minister. “From the platform – he added – I expect it to propose a path. The discussion must then take place with everyone, without excluding concepts, but then with Parliament, with a legal framework to be built”. “We must take one step at a time, we must no longer crash”, he continued.

The minister then stated that a new one will open consultation “more general” relating to Integrated energy and climate plan (Pniec). This was stated today by the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin at the Utilitalia conference. In the first – he continued – “a series of questions were asked, someone claimed that the questions were not all-encompassing, the question risked being ‘direct the response”, but – added the minister – “far be it from us to want to disturb the free thoughtso let’s also open up to free thought.” “The only thing I hope is that all 500-page volumes don’t arrive, said in a very practical way, because we must definitively approve the Pniec, agreed with the European Union, by June 30th,” he concluded.
