Nuclear Missile Move from Russia – World News

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Russia announced that they are planning to place the intercontinental Sarmat missiles, which it tested two days ago, capable of carrying nuclear warheads, at points that can reach the United States, starting in the autumn.

The statement was made by Dmitriy Rogozin, director of Russia’s federal space agency Roscosmos.

Rogozin told Russian state television that the missiles could be deployed in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia, 3,000 kilometers east of Moscow.

Rogozin stated that these missiles could replace other missiles placed in the same areas during the Soviet Union period. Roscosmos manager suggested that the use of these super weapons would guarantee the future of Russians’ children and even their grandchildren for 30-40 years.

It is stated that Sarmat missiles can carry more than 10 nuclear warheads and they have the range to hit targets thousands of kilometers away in Europe and the USA.

However, experts think that the missiles have only been tested once, so this statement is too ambitious.

The test, which was held this week after many years due to technical and financial problems, also evaluates the Ukraine war as a show of strength by Russia.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the reactions of the USA and its allies have recently increased the concerns of nuclear war. There are concerns that Russian President Vladimir Putin will resort to nuclear weapons in his invasion of Ukraine.
