Now there are more emergency services on Mälaren: “A security for us”

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The mission of the Mälardalen rescue service is broad, but on the personnel side, they have been few. In any case on the lake, where they, among other things, transport divers, transport ambulance personnel in the event of accidents or cases of illness on the islands. In addition, the emergency services deal with releases of hazardous substances.

Now they have invested more in the new generation taking over, and currently there are 20 people who have formal authorization to work on the rescue boat, compared to twelve people during the crisis years 2017-2020. Force leader Carmelo Lundblad sees the fact that there are now more of them as positive.

– The police and coast guard can assist with, for example, drunkenness at sea, but their resources may be limited on water. The coast guard is also in Södertälje, so it’s a bit far if you need help from them, he says.

Why has the staffing been too small and how has it been increased?

– In connection with the boat undergoing extensive rebuilding to be modernized, not enough people were trained for a few years. After the update, we had a period of operational disruptions, which made many hesitate whether they wanted to be trained as commanders of the rescue boat, says force leader Andreas Svensson.

What do your assignments look like?

– We go after everything that falls within the LSO, the Act on protection against accidents – where life, the environment or large property values ​​are threatened and in need of urgent intervention. In general, we do not tow any type of boat, nor do we pull out grounded boats. But it depends on the assignment. In the event of a fire on an island, at least five men may be needed, says Andreas Svensson.

Hear Andreas Svensson tell more about the improved preparedness on the lake.
