Now the verdict falls against the teacher accused of rape

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The teacher was suspected of having molested a large number of students over several years.

Now the man is sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for, among other things, a rape of a child.

In the spring of 2021, some students at a school in Borås told about how one of the teachers exposed them to sexual harassment. When the police started an investigation, the case then grew – and more and more students testified that they had been victimized.

When the teacher was charged in October this year, 15 students were included as victims. Now he is sentenced to 4.5 years in prison.

The man was charged with three counts of rape against children, but the district court convicts him of only one of them. The other two acts are assessed as serious cases of sexual harassment. In addition, he is convicted of two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of children, a large number of counts of sexual molestation, child pornography offenses and certain other crimes. He is acquitted of responsibility for a smaller number of crimes.

We broadcast live about the verdict in the player above.
