Now the verdict falls against the excluded lawyers

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The men, who in chat conversations with the network are said to have been called “The King” and “The Prince”, are accused of, among other things, protecting criminals, serious crimes and aiding and abetting particularly serious drug crimes.

These crimes consist of information and instructions provided to the Vårbynätverket’s leadership layer via the encrypted chat service Encrochat. Large parts of the network’s leadership were convicted of both serious and extensive crime in a high-profile trial last year.

The man known as “The King”, who has been in custody since March, has also been charged with preparation for murder.

“I am prosecuting him in preparation for murder because he is suspected of having commissioned money to pay for a murder and for fundraising,” said the head of the preliminary investigation and prosecutor Ewamari Häggkvist in a written comment when the prosecution was brought.

The prosecutor has demanded ten years ‘imprisonment and six years’ imprisonment, respectively, according to SVT Nyheter Stockholm. Both men deny any wrongdoing.

Men have previously been excluded from the Swedish Bar Association.
