Now the successors to Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix are being sought

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Nobody expected it, and now the action sequel to Gladiator is coming. Gladiator 2 has started production. In the first big casting step, the Followers wanted for leading actors such as Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix.

Gladiator 2 Cast Wanted: Which Characters Are Returning?

That’s what reliable media site Puck News claims to have found out, according to director Ridley Scott after the “most important Actors” for Gladiator 2 is looking for (quoted here from Culture Crave).

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But what does that mean exactly? The story of the action sequel is still largely unclear. According to the first information about Gladiator 2 should there be Lucius (Spencer Treat Clark) in the center, the nephew of Fiesling Commodus (Phoenix) and son of Lucilla (Connie Nielsen). Allegedly, Clark and Nielsen will return in their roles.

When will Gladiator 2 be in cinemas?

So far there is no official confirmation for the casting process. But if Gladiator 2 at the targeted start end of 2024 is due to hit theaters, Scott must begin his search for the new stars of the action sequel.

Podcast: The 11 best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Amazon and Co.

The streaming services released numerous film originals again in 2022. You can find out which of these are the best of the year in the new episode of Streamgegefuehl.

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In the podcast we go through the favorites and justify our choice – of course without spoilers. At the end we also give our top 5 lists again if you want to reserve a title.

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