Now the snowstorm is moving in: “Can have major consequences”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The snowfall moves into Götaland on the night of Tuesday and then moves during the day towards southernmost and eastern Svealand, including Öland and Gotland. 15-25 centimeters of snow is expected in northern Götaland and Eastern Svealand.

Quite windy
In connection with the snowfall, it will be very windy with healthy to strong gusts in the entire area.
– There can certainly be gale force winds along the coasts and very strong gusts over land that cause extra problems, says meteorologist Peter Kondrup.

Slippery and slush on the roads

There is a risk of very limited access on roads and traffic disruptions due to slush, slippage and poor visibility. SMHI also warns of power outages. There is also a yellow warning issued for the rest of Götaland and parts of southernmost and eastern Svealand.

Since the temperature will be around zero, it will probably be quite compact, wet snow that will be difficult to shovel and can generate deep ruts on the roads.

In the clip above, meteorologist Peter Kondrup tells where the weather will be worst.
