Now the mass testing will be evaluated

Now the mass testing will be evaluated

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen Nursing assistant Malin Friberg is tested before she is allowed to go on her shift at Sävegården’s nursing home in Lerum. Archive image. Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

Now the large-scale testing for suspected cases of covid-19 is to be followed up and evaluated. The government gives the task to the Public Health Authority.

The assignment includes seeing whether the testing had an effect on the spread of infection and how the practical implementation worked. The evaluation must also assess whether the monitoring of the different virus variants was “purposeful and cost-effective”.

The task also includes assessing which lessons from the pandemic should be taken forward into planning for possible future pandemics.

The Public Health Authority must submit a written final report on the assignment to the Ministry of Social Affairs by 31 March 2024 at the latest.
