Now The Last of Us star Pedro Pascal is grabbing the maker’s next project

Now The Last of Us star Pedro Pascal is grabbing

In addition to the financial hit Smile – Do you see it too? also counted the unpredictable genre ride and Airbnb shocker Barbarian among the big horror hypes of 2022. With a budget of 4.5 million dollars and a box office result of 45 million dollars worldwide, the strip played 10 times its cost a.

Unsurprisingly, director Zach Cregger quickly got the nod for his new project, Now the first star fixed.

After The Mandalorian and The Last of Us: Pedro Pascal grabs a new film from the Barbarian maker

According to Deadline, Pedro Pascal is the first big star in the Barbarian director’s upcoming project. The actor gained horror experience from series like The Mandalorian most recently as the main actor in The Last of Us. Cregger’s new work is called Weapons and initial information about the plot is still very vague.

The Hollywood Reporter described the story as Horror epic with multiple storylinesthat should be intertwined. The masterpiece Magnolia by Paul Thomas Anderson is mentioned as a comparison.

An exact theatrical launch date for Weapons has not yet been determined. A release in the coming year is not unlikely. Before that, you can subscribe to stream the great Barbarian on Disney+. *

Podcast: The 11 best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Amazon and Co.

The streaming services released numerous film originals again in 2022. You can find out which of these are the best of the year in the new episode of Streamgegefuehl.

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