Now the freezing cold is coming back – here it will be minus 30 degrees

Now the freezing cold is coming back here it

The beginning of the year began with really cold weather. In Kvikkjokk-Årrenjarka in northern Lapland, minus 43.6 degrees was measured, which is the coldest January night in 25 years.

Then it suddenly changed and there were plus temperatures throughout the country. But now colder weather awaits again, not to say much colder.

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25 minus degrees in Uppland

During the day on Monday, cold air begins to advance down over Norrland. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the coldest in northern Sweden.

– We will get a proper cold mass over the country. In Norrland, temperatures will be down to minus 30 degrees, says Mary Starkmeteorologist SMHI, to News24.

Further south, Tuesday and Wednesday offer the lowest temperatures. During the night towards Wednesday it can be minus 25 in Uppland.

– It gets colder towards Uppland and Värmland. Further south it will be somewhere down to minus 15 degrees, says Marie Stark.

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Expect snow this weekend

What about the snow then?

During Saturday, a snowfall moves in over Sweden. From Vättern and southwards there may be some rain, but over Örebro, Sörmland and Uppland it is pure snowfall.

However, it is not about huge amounts of snow, but a few centimeters.

– Then it will be a bit uncertain next week, if there is more extensive snowfall, says Marie Stark.

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