Now SD is making another attempt in Klippan – these could become the new leaders

Twelve Sweden Democrats in Klippan were expelled from the party a couple of months ago. This after two ex-Nazis who had previously been excluded were voted into positions of trust in the municipality – despite the SD at various higher levels saying no.

Today, Klippan is ruled by the excluded political “savages” together with two moderates, KD and Vår framtid. But two regular members and two substitutes remained in SD and in the council.

One of the replacements, Elena Kurenkova, is now proposed by SD’s election committee as chairman of the new party association in the municipality.

Regional politician Therese Borg, who lives in Klippan, is proposed as first vice-chairman.

Has lost political platform

Mikael Eskilandersson is the chairman of the Sweden Democrats Skåne and the person who has been in charge of developing a new party organization in Klippan.

– Now we must prioritize building a political association again, that is most important.

After all, SD has lost its political platform because the “savages” stayed. Is there any room for you in Klippanpolitiken today?

– It is of course not easy when others sit on our mandates in the council, but it is still possible for us to make proposals on various issues and try to find support for them, says Mikael Eskilandersson.

The new board will be elected at an annual meeting in Klippan on 13 May.
