Now says she molested him at home, calls for her to be banned

A conflict between two big YouTubers is currently escalating on YouTube: jacksfilms criticized the reaction YouTuber SSSniperWolf for stealing content. The 30-year-old felt harassed by the constant criticism and sought a clarifying conversation. She came to the YouTuber’s house, made a video and posted it on Instagram. For jacksfilms, all limits have been exceeded: he demands their ban.

Which YouTuber is it about?

  • She is relatively unknown in Germany, but SSSniperWolf is a huge YouTuber with 34.2 million subscribers. According to various lists, no woman has more subscribers than her on YouTube. Her name sounds like the Nazi era to German viewers, but it is derived from “sexysexysniper” in a much more harmless way
  • The YouTuber is 30 years old and started with Call of Duty gameplay videos, but is now known for her reaction videos: The videos with typical “YouTuber looks surprised/scared/horrified” thumbnails reach millions of views. It’s also big on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
  • Many of their videos have typical “click” themes and are between 9 and 15 minutes long. Current videos are called “TikToks that are ONLY for boys” or “TikToks that are ONLY for girls”.
  • German Twitch streamers don’t quite achieve these view numbers:

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    YouTuber accuses colleague of “stealing content” – just react

    This is the criticism: The significantly smaller but still huge YouTuber jackflims (4.88 million subscribers) has repeatedly dealt with SSSniperWolf in the last 3 months: Of the 8 videos he uploaded during that time, 5 were about the YouTuber. These videos also achieve significantly higher views than other content on his channel.

    He sees the YouTuber’s reaction videos as “content stealing” because she doesn’t do enough to give her reaction videos her own touch: her content is not “transformative” and therefore adds to the videos she reacts to little added.

    In this way he sees the actual authors of the content deprived of their just reward.

    An example of SSSniperWolf’s content.

    YouTuber believes: The YouTuber is harassing her with his content

    What does SSSniperwolf think about that?? She now feels harassed by the criticism, has the feeling that the YouTuber is doing nothing other than criticizing her and is pursuing his own profit intentions: he is making money at her expense.

    She has commented on jackfilms several times on Instagram, where she has 6 million followers. For example, she asked her followers “whether she should visit him” – he only lived 5 minutes away.

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    The YouTuber says the YouTuber is harassing her. His entire channel revolves around her.

    She writes that this “creep” has been harassing her for months and is forcing himself into the role of victim, even though she just wants to talk to him.

    It’s so sad when guys cause drama just to pay the bill.

    So the dispute has now escalated. As jackfilms says, SSSniperwolf actually showed up at his home and showed the house to her millions of Instagram followers and posted: “Let’s talk like adults.”

    He and his wife now “no longer felt so safe”. He only gave the person constructive criticism; he probably wanted to use his followers to intimidate him.

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    A limit has been crossed here for jackfilms. He calls on YouTube and Instagram to ban SSSniperWolf. He no longer feels safe in his house. No one should be allowed to use their internet fame to intimidate someone like that.

    If her behavior goes unpunished, it will set a terrible precedent: you can intimidate and harass your critics as long as you have enough followers. That couldn’t be true.

    If she really wanted to talk to him, she would have had plenty of other options.

    His wife also complained on Twitter that she felt harassed by the YouTuber.

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    Streit shows 3 current conflicts surrounding content creators

    This is what lies behind it: This brings together several points that have been discussed more frequently recently.

    Reaction content has been criticized for weeks: it is “cheap content”; that requires no effort and steals the fame from smaller channels that create their own content, while the big creators benefit from it. If everyone just reacts, no one will do anything exciting anymore, say the critics.

    Others say: By “reacting” you don’t harm smaller YouTubers, but rather make them known. The criticism focused, among other things, on Twitch streamers like Asmongold and xQc, who spend hours and hours constantly reacting to other people’s content.

    What you also see here: “Smaller” YouTubers often have great success with content in which they attack and criticize larger YouTubers. Your channel often achieves higher views with this form of content than with normal content: you are then accused of “pulling yourself up” at the expense of others and that they are not interested in criticism, but only in drama.

    Larger content creators, in turn, are accused of using their reach to “silence” critics by specifically attacking critics on social media, accusing them of “framing” them, only spreading “lies and hate speech,” and so on to get their followers to rail against this channel.

    In this case, three current controversial topics about content creators intersect. However, it seems quite unlikely whether YouTube will actually comply with jacksfilms’ request and ban SSSniperWolf.

    There are always YouTube conflicts that escalate:

    Stalker comes to a YouTuber’s house and insults him – he shoots
