Now large amounts of rain are moving in: “Really wet”

After a couple of weeks of oppressive heat, the rain is a fact.
Now it will be even more unstable and Svealand can expect up to 40 millimeters of rain on Sunday.
– So quite wet, although the amounts will not be as large as those that have fallen in southern Norrland in the past 24 hours, says TV4’s meteorologist Martin Hagman.

School graduations, student parties and midsummer celebrations were enjoyed in the company of proper summer heat.

But now, after weeks of drought with only a few isolated showers, the downpour is a fact.

– During Saturday evening, the night before Sunday, and during Sunday, another cold front moves with associated rain and sweeps in over the southern half of the country from the southwest, says Martin Hagman.

The showers also move in to the south, then in the company of fresh to strong winds.

Tough start to week 27

In the past 24 hours, southern Norrland has been hit with large amounts of rain. During Saturday morning, SMHI issued a yellow rain warning from the mountain areas in Jämtland down over the inland towards Sundsvall, Hudiksvall and Söderhamn.

– In large parts of Norrland, however, there will be a break on Sunday, or only local showers in the southwestern part of Lapland, says Martin Hagman.

Next week will also get off to a shaky start.

– It will continue to be cool throughout the country and a lot of rain and showers, as well as wind, especially in the southern and central parts.
