“Now it’s all about survival”

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Börje Salming has been affected by the disease ALS.
Now the former teammate in Toronto, who also has the disease, talks about the conversation with the Swedish icon.
– Now everything is about survival, says Mark Kirton.

Börje Salming is one of Toronto’s greatest ever. The Swede played over 1,000 games in the Canadian club – where he was also one of the absolute best players every single season.

Poignant words to Börje

Earlier this week, Börje Salming announced that he had been affected by the incurable disease ALS. The 71-year-old had previously told, before the summer, that he had not been feeling very well lately, but that the doctors had not been able to find anything wrong at the time.

190218 Börje Salming poses for a portrait on February 18, 2019 in Stockholm. Photo: Johanna Lundberg / BILDBYRÅN

“I don’t know how the days ahead will be, but I understand that there will be trials greater than what I have ever faced. It is a disease that currently has no cure. But I know that there is research going on all over the world, and one day science will find a solution. Right now I have to rely on medications that slow down the process,” said Börje Salming to TT in a statement on Wednesday.

Börje Salming’s former teammate, Mark Kirton, also has ALS. Now the center tells about the touching conversation with the Swedish icon after the announcement.

“Now it’s all about survival”

– I told him (Salming): “King, now it’s all about surviving until the doctors find a cure,” Kirton told the Toronto Sun according to msn.com.

Mark Kirton was diagnosed with ALS in 2018. The former Toronto center has since lectured on the disease, working to push scientists and doctors to develop a cure.

ARCHIVE 1975 Tre Kronor’s Bˆrje Salming sits in the substitutes during an ice hockey match with the Swedish national ice hockey team in 1975. Photo: Leif R Jansson / SCANPIX / Code: 50020

Former Maple Leafs teammate Darryl Sittler has also spoken to the Toronto Sun to express his support for Börje Samling.

– Börje was a fantastic teammate and friend, and I wish we could have talked about something else today. We have been in contact today (read yesterday) and this is tough and crushing, says Darryl Sittler.

READ MORE: The junior crowns’ fine tribute to Börje Salming during the JVM premiere: “This victory was for you”
