Now it is clear how many seasons 3 Body Problem will get in total

Now it is clear how many seasons 3 Body Problem

One of Netflix’s most expensive series projects, 3 Body Problem, started last March. The extension for further episodes, which are supposed to complete the film adaptation of the Trisolaris novels, however, left many fans unsettled. There was no concrete talk of a second season. The showrunners cleared up the confusion and confirmed further seasons, but the final length of the sci-fi series remained a mystery – until now.

3 Body Problem adapts the sci-fi original into 3 seasons

According to a report from Netflix, the final schedule for 3 Body Problem has now been set. A total of three seasons will include the adaptation of Cixin Liu’s novel trilogy. So we can assume that season 2 will be based on the second volume The Dark Forest Season 3 will then be the grand finale of the last novel Beyond time film.

The original plan of the showrunner trio consisting of David Benioff, DB Weiss and Alexander Woo was actually four seasons as the ideal length for the series adaptation. Now they can realize their vision for the adaptation of the Trisolaris novel within three seasons. Game of Thrones co-creator DB Weiss reveals:

We always wanted until the last page of the third book and it’s really exciting for us that we’re going to do just that.

3 Body Problem fans can breathe a sigh of relief. There is no longer any need to fear a premature or abrupt end to the sci-fi saga. In addition, the ambitious invasion story will not only continue on Netflix. The series adaptation Three Body, produced for the Chinese market, will also return for another season and even a spin-off.

When do 3 Body Problem seasons 2 and 3 start on Netflix?

There is no date for the continuation of the sci-fi series yet. Since the second season has not yet been filmed, we should 2026 at the earliest expect new episodes of 3 Body Problem. The third and final season could then probably hit Netflix in 2027 or 2028.

Podcast about Netflix’s sci-fi series 3 Body Problem

Have the Game of Thrones creators succeeded in making the next big hit with 3 Body Problem? In the podcast we discussed the Netflix sci-fi series in detail and without spoilers:

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3 Body Problem is the adaptation of one of the most exciting science fiction works of recent years: The Trisolaris trilogy by Chinese author Cixin Liu. In the podcast, we clarify whether the series can inspire sci-fi fans and whether the drastic changes to the original were really necessary.
