Now is the perfect time to book your vacation cheaper

Now is the perfect time to book your vacation cheaper

Going on vacation is expensive. But fortunately there are clever ways to save money by organizing efficiently. These little tips to know before booking your next stay.

Some people book their vacation a year in advance while others are fans of last minute bookings. Each method has its advantages, but to get a plane ticket or hotel at the best price, it is best to know a few tips. The best time is not the same if you want to go to the United States, to an African country or even to Asia. With a tight budget, you also have to know how to choose one destination over another. The change of scenery is sometimes two hours away by plane.

The online travel agency Opodo has carried out in-depth analyzes based on reservations made on the platform from January 1 to December 18, 2023. This allowed it to identify certain trends and determine the best time to book a ticket. plane. Northern or southern hemisphere, Asia or America, tourist seasons can vary from one territory to another, and this of course has an impact on ticket prices. For example, to enjoy the wonders of Africa, it is best to book in September, October or November… and preferably last-minute. For Eastern Europe, it will be more likely during the months of September and October. Finally, if you dream of America, it is better to book in January, August, September or November.

But this analysis carried out by Opodo also tells us that it is not only a question of months of the year, but also of schedules. Whatever the destination, the ideal is to book between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. to get the best price. A cheap plane ticket is worth a sleepless night, right? As for the day of the week to choose to find the most affordable rate, it depends on the destination. If you dream of going to Asia or Oceania, you will need to book on Friday. For Europe, it will be Tuesday or Wednesday.
