Now David Sundin reveals the most disgusting thing in Best in test

Now David Sundin reveals the most disgusting thing in Best

Facts: David Sundin on Babben Larsson’s role in “Best in Test”

“She’s pretty uptight, only getting to watch these tortures unfold in hindsight. But she also doesn’t get to experience the fun when we do the tests, so I’d say it’s a one-way street.”

Babben Larsson on David Sundin’s role:

“It’s an asset to have David out on the field. When I look at other countries’ versions of ‘Best in Test’ and how David adds something in every box he’s in, I have to say I think he’s better than most of the other assistants.”

SVT’s long-running “Bäst i test” changes channel to TV4. The change means longer episodes and more panel members – contrary to fears. It feels good to be able to please everyone who has been worried, says David Sundin.

When “Bäst i test” premieres on TV4, most things are the same. Babben Larsson and David Sundin hold the strings and the famous people on the panel get to carry out various clever tests or assignments – often with help or a helping hand from Sundin.

— The viewers will definitely recognize themselves. I hope that people follow over to the new channel and see that we make the same quality entertainment that we have been doing for the past seven years, says Babben Larsson.

David Sundin: “Many took out the disappointment in advance”

Just as in the British publication “Taskmaster”, which is broadcast on a commercial British channel, the consequence of the move to TV4 is that a number of commercial breaks take place in the broadcast. This has been compensated for by extending the time so that the program including breaks clocks in at 1.5 hours.

– There were many who were disappointed in advance and thought that the broadcast time would be shortened, so we hope that they will be happy to see that it is just as funny and even longer than before, says David Sundin.

SVT turned down more seasons of “Bäst i test” because it no longer wanted to pay what the British production company demanded. That TV4 will take over the program was confirmed in March last year and the first episode will soon premiere.

— It’s not like we signed up for a new channel with a bang and said “I never want to work at SVT again”. I can understand that SVT finds it bitter that they have grown a program into really good Friday entertainment and then it becomes worth so much that they can’t afford to keep it, says Babben Larsson.

David Sundin eats popcorn with pee

The season five panelists are the comedian Johan Petersson, the actor Maria Lundqvistthe Youtube profile Behrouz Badrehthe comedian Charlotta Björck and the presenter Mauri Hermundsson.

In the first episode, as usual, the panel members are subjected to clever tests under stressful conditions. But even David Sundin gets some surprises, among other things he is seen eating popcorn seasoned with urine, gravel and alcohol.

— It was a bit disgusting, of course, but the most disgusting thing in this season is ahead of us. Among other things, there will be a test that includes the world’s smelliest fruit. It was a new experience for me and for the participants, I must say.

Premiere for “Best in Test” is January 12.
