Now comes the verdict against Swedbank’s former CEO

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Swedbank’s former CEO Birgitte Bonnesen is acquitted on all counts by the Stockholm District Court.

– It is a huge success for Birgitte Bonnesen that the district court has acquitted her on both counts. She is very relieved, says her lawyer Per E Samuelsson to TT.

She was indicted on suspicion of gross fraud or gross market manipulation as well as disclosure of insider information.

The crime of fraud is a form of fraud against the public. For criminal liability, it is not enough that someone provides incorrect information or omits key information, but a misleading information is required to influence the recipient in a certain direction, the court writes in the judgments.

– This type of case in particular is difficult to get a conviction in, says Johanna Björkman, legal expert.

Prosecutors had asked for a minimum of two years in prison in the case of a conviction for aggravated fraud and “about a year” if the conviction was for aggravated market manipulation.

Birgitte Bonnesen has always denied all accusations.

In the player below: See the press conference in the Stockholm district court.
