Now comes the announcement that will determine Cementa’s future

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Cementa is allowed to continue mining lime on Gotland for another 4 years, according to the judgment of the Land and Environmental Court.

At the same time, the company’s work is ongoing with an application for a significantly longer period of time. The company has emphasized that hundreds of thousands of jobs in the construction sector are at risk of being lost if there is a halt to mining.

From the other side, it has instead been claimed that the company conducts an environmentally hazardous business where there is a risk that the drinking water on Gotland could be affected as the ground and surface water deteriorates.

In July last year, the Land and Environmental Court rejected Cementa’s application for a new 20-year permit. In order to avoid a cement shortage, the Riksdag voted through a temporary amendment to the Environmental Code, which gave the company a temporary permit which, however, expires at the turn of the year.
