Now all children can get the covid vaccine again

Now all children can get the covid vaccine again
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full screen Since just over a year ago, it has not been possible for parents to get their children vaccinated in Sweden. But now the government is changing that. Archive image. Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT

Now it is once again possible for parents to get their children vaccinated against covid-19 in Sweden, says Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) to Sweden’s Radio Ekot.

– We have done a thorough review of the laws and regulations that exist around vaccines regarding covid-19 and can state that there are no legal obstacles, he says to the radio.

Since the Public Health Agency stopped recommending the covid vaccine for children between 12 and 17 years ago, it has been impossible for parents to get their children vaccinated regardless of age, unless there have been special medical reasons.

This has led to some parents – who still wanted to vaccinate their children – traveling to other countries where it was possible.

The new directives mean that it is now possible for the regions to offer vaccines to children from the age of six months.

– I think it is good that we have made this clear. Now it is up to the regions to decide how they will act on this clarification, says Jakob Forssmed.
