Novus: Swedes like the Public Health Agency’s screen advice

Last week, the Public Health Authority came up with recommendations on how many hours of screen time was suitable for children and young people.
In a Novus survey commissioned by TV4 Nyheterna, it appears that the advice gets the thumbs up from a large majority of Swedes – but only just over a third will make sure their children follow them.

One of those who appreciates the new advice on screen time for children is Victoria Bengtsson in Malmö.

– I think it’s good, up to two years you can try anyway. They will use the phones at school and work in the future. You yourself grew up without all those things and we learned, there is no stress with that, says Victoria Bengtsson.

It has become more economical to use the phone

She says that she herself does not have the TV on when her son is awake and that both she and her partner have become more frugal with using their phones. Her friend Josefine Eliasson also knows the advice and follows it:

– My partner and I had talked about it before the recommendations came, that we would try as much as possible. You yourself feel that you might be scrolling away in the evenings, so I think it can be positive for the whole family as well.

Few think they will follow the advice

In a TV4 Nyheterna survey commissioned by Novus, a broad majority of respondents, 86 percent, think it is good that the Public Health Agency makes recommendations about children’s screen time. But of those who know the recommendations, there is not as great a chance that they will ensure that their children follow them.

36 percent say that it is not particularly or not at all likely that they will ensure that their children follow the recommendations, an equal percentage (36 percent) say the opposite, that it is quite likely or very likely. 22 percent answer neither or and 6 percent don’t know.

– Maybe it’s those who have older children and don’t think there has been a problem with the older child, but I actually don’t know. My child is not that old yet, so we’ll see, says Josefine Eliasson.

Novus has investigated Swedes’ views on the Public Health Agency’s new recommendations on children’s screen time. The survey was carried out on behalf of TV4 Nyheterna during the period 5-11 September 2024 in the Novus Sweden panel. The survey was answered by a total of 1018 people aged 18-84.
