November 13 trial: “It was a very long ordeal that was necessary”

The trial of November 13 enters in pain in its

A new phase of the trial of the attacks of November 13 opened this week with the start of the pleadings of the lawyers of the 2,400 civil parties. Interview with Philippe Duperron, president of the 13Onze15 association, whose son Thomas died at the Bataclan.

Twenty defendants, 2,400 civil parties and nine months of hearings. More than five and a half years after the attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis which left 130 dead and hundreds injured, the trial of the November 13 attacks is coming to an end. For an extraordinary trial, the organization of the pleadings was necessarily going to be unprecedented. The lawyers for the civil parties divided up the themes discussed during these long months of hearing: radicalization, mourning, or even the post-attack…
