Novavax: what is it?

Novavax what is it

Novavax is a company of biotechnology American company specializing in the development and marketing of vaccines against Infectious diseases emerging. Relying on innovative technologies based on the genetic engineering and improved immunogenicity, Novavax declines research around candidates vaccines against viral respiratory infections (seasonal flu, SARS, MERS) mainly. This firm is at the origin of the 5and vaccine against Covid-19 authorized by the European Medicines Agency in December 2021.

Vaccines against Covid-19: particularity of the Novavax vaccine

the NVX-CoV2373 vaccine is a “subunit” vaccine said to protein recombinant. Unlike previously developed vaccines, the latter does not use a viral vector, nor themessenger RNA. A protein resembling spike protein from virus is injected to promote the production ofantibody protectors (technology used in the vaccine againstHepatitis B).

Unlike traditional vaccines, the antigenic protein is purified, inserted into nanoparticles vector lipids that optimize its presentation. One adjuvant (Matrix-M) based on saponin is added in order to increase the immune response.

Clinical tests (phase II and III) give 90% efficacy on mild, moderate and severe forms of the disease, although the benefits on virus variants have not yet been demonstrated.

Who can benefit from the Novavax vaccine?

Storage conditions, between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, give this vaccine advantages in terms of transport and storage. Administered in primary vaccination in two doses, 3 weeks apart, vaccine is recommended for anyone 18 years and older. There are no data on interchangeability with other types of vaccines against Covid-19.

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