Closet Couture Boutique is closing after 10 years of supporting Nova Vita Women’s Services.
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“It is with heavy hearts that we announce the closure,” Anne Herbison-Ruddell, Nova Vita’s community development manager, said in a statement. “Over the past 10 years, across two locations and through a global pandemic, Closet Couture Boutique has worked tirelessly to up-cycle generous clothing donations with the purpose of raising much needed funds for our emergency shelter.
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“We have made the difficult decision to close our doors to focus on our vital programs and services for women and families impacted by violence and homelessness.”
The store is at 415 Fairview Dr. and will close Dec. 9.
The decision comes as the costs of operating a retail store front rise and the boutique’s lease comes to an end.
Herbison-Ruddell said Nova Vita is incredibly grateful for the love and support it has received over the years.
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The community support includes the donation of new and like-new clothing, countless hours of volunteer service, the efforts of staff and those who have shopped at the boutique, Herbison-Ruddell said.
The month of November is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Brantford city councilors in October learned that the number of victims of intimate partner violence has almost doubled in the last 10 years.
Councilors were told Victims Services of Brant provided support to 591 victims of intimate partner violence in 2022-2023, up from 258 in 2012-2013.
The city has joined more than 46 other Ontario municipalities to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic. It has called for an awareness campaign to highlight the supports available to victims and a community action plan to address the scourge.
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At a city council committee meeting in October, Natasha Dobler, Nova Vita’s executive director, told councilors of the increased demand for help and the struggles faced by the agency including a lack of volunteers and staffing challenges.
The agency saw its volunteer corps drop to fewer than 20 from 60 during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dobler also told councilors that in 2018, Brantford had the highest rate in Ontario for police reported cases of intimate partner violence and the fourth highest rate in Canada Last year, Nova Vita responded 4,594 crisis and support calls on its 24-hour help line.
Nova Vita officials say it’s important for the community to understand that, at this time, the agency’s resources need to be directed to its vital programs and services.
Demands for service remains high as do the costs of operating a shelter to keep victims of intimate-partner violence safe.
Meanwhile, people can continue to support the boutique before the doors close on Dec. 9, Herbison-Ruddell said.
To learn more about the programs and services that Nova Vita offers and how to support the agency visit www.novavita.org/ and follow on the agency on social media at @NovaVitaBrant.
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