Nouméa airport will remain closed “until further notice”

Noumea airport will remain closed until further notice

In New Caledonia, the situation is less tense, but the Pacific archipelago has not regained calm. Kanak youth continue to rise up. The police are continuing their unblocking operations, including removing car wrecks from the roads. On site, solidarity is being organized, particularly for foodstuffs, but the Tontouta international airport, considered a “strategic point”, secured by the army, will ultimately not open its doors tomorrow.

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At present, there is no longer a planned date for this reopening of the airport. La Tontouta, closed for three weeks, was to reopen its doors this Sunday. Then a 24 hour delay was added. But the High Commissioner of the Republic in New Caledonia, by press release, once again postponed this reopening, this time without saying much more. “ The airport will remain closed until further notice » he explains.

It should therefore be understood that the airport will remain closed until security conditions are met. The State believes that the situation is still too tense. However, the airport is not completely asleep. It was used to send reinforcements on site, but also for medical evacuations. Around twenty patients were evacuated today to Australia for health reasons.

More than 2,300 tourists were able to board to leave New Caledonia, including a flight to Paris this Saturday. New beginnings are in the works. The Magenta aerodrome, for internal flights, should reopen on June 5. The curfew, for its part, has just been extended until June 10.

Read alsoNew Caledonia: aid announced to support economic activity after the riots
