nothing is going well within the presidential party

nothing is going well within the presidential party

A few days after the resignation of the head of Parliament who had accused the government of getting into debt abroad, President Samia Suluhu Hassan announced on Saturday January 8 a cabinet reshuffle with the dismissal of several key ministers.

While the announcement of a new government was expected, the dismissal of three important ministers was less so. Among those absent are the Ministers of Justice, Housing, Industry and Investments. These relatives of former President John Magafuli pay in particular their ambitions for the presidential election of 2025, according to the local press.

The reshuffle was caused by the resignation, Thursday, January 6, of the head of Parliament Job Ndugai. The latter aroused the anger of the head of state, Samia Suluhu Hassan, by criticizing the loans ” excessive From Tanzania abroad. A position taken by the president as an attempt to tarnish her image.

Asked about the reasons for his resignation, the head of Parliament simply replied that it was ” a personal decision “.

These latest events have exposed the divisions within the powerful ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi. Divisions that have accumulated since the coming to power of Suluhu Hassan in March 2021, following the death of his predecessor, John Magafuli.

Read also: Tanzania: the president removes relatives of Magufuli from his government

For analyst Nicodemus Mehdi, this political crisis hides a crisis in the president’s legitimacy. This Monday, January 10, when the new ministers took office, Suluhu Hassan tried to minimize the differences within the majority, saying that there was always a place for the three ministers sacked elsewhere, in particular within the palace presidential.

