“Nothing can bring back our brother”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

On Monday, two men were sentenced for the murder of disabled Ulf Sandberg. Now Ulf’s brother Per Sandberg is speaking out about the time afterwards. – It has been a very long and dark process for us, he says. One September evening last year, the whole of Oskarshamn was shaken when local celebrity Ulf Sandberg was beaten and stabbed by two men, a 28-year-old and a 30-year-old. The men decided to rob Ulf but it all ended with them taking his life. On Monday, the verdict was handed down in the Kalmar district court – a man was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and aggravated robbery, and a man was sentenced to six years in prison for aggravated robbery. Ulf’s brother Per Sandberg thinks the verdict is good and fair, but is preparing for the possibility that it may be appealed to the Court of Appeal. – But nothing can bring our brother back, he says. “Have been heading into the dark many times” Ulf was a local celebrity in Oskarshamn and very popular. Per describes him as a warm and loving person and as a role model. Ulf showed that you have to stand up for yourself and that everyone is equally valuable, he says. The time after Ulf’s murder has been a dark one but also a time filled with love and support. – We have been on our way into the dark many times, but this whole city has kind of kept us behind… Without this support, I don’t know how we would have coped, says Per Sandström. In the player above: See the interview with Ulf’s brother Per.
