Notable statement from the USA: Russia may invade Ukraine in days or weeks

Russian statement from the Pentagon increased its military buildup on

While the whole world is locked on the Russia-Ukraine border, diplomatic efforts in the region have not yet yielded results. The US side, on the other hand, continues its statements that Russia may invade Ukraine at any time.


US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told Fox News Sunday that Russia could invade Ukraine within days or weeks, or it could choose the diplomatic path, “Russia can launch a military action against Ukraine any day. “It may be a few weeks from now, or Russia may choose the diplomatic path instead,” he said.


Sullivan told ABC’s This Week that Russia could annex Ukraine’s Donbass region or invade Ukraine comprehensively. “We believe he has put himself in a position to act aggressively against Ukraine at any time with military deployments,” he said.


On the other hand, two US officials said yesterday that Russia, which illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, has about 70 percent of the combat power it believes will be needed for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


Russia had previously reacted to the news it served with the headline “Russia is occupying Ukraine” by the US media outlet Bloomberg. Kremlin spokesman Dmitriy Peskov said in a statement: “This is a wonderful demonstration of how dangerous the situation is, provoked by the endless aggressive statements from Washington, London and other capitals in Europe.”

Bloomberg later retracted the news, stating that it was false. (UAV)
