Not only do women have to organize the holidays, but they are also responsible for their success.

Not only do women have to organize the holidays but

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    If we now know that the logistics of vacations generate a heavy mental load in the same way as household chores, it is even more so when it comes to not failing. Women admit that they are not only psychologically tired by the organizational aspect but also by the anticipation that vacations create.

    A concept theorized in the 80s, the mental load, which has been described many times in recent years, often leads to reflection on the responsibility for household chores or the management of children in what education can impose in terms of appointments not to be missed: vaccinations, back to school, childcare, etc. In 2010, an INSEE study specified that 64% of household chores fell to women, as did 71% of parental tasks. From the outset, we often associate this notion with everyday life, while forgetting the other family projects that women generally also take care of. In this case, we are talking about vacations. In 2022, a rich study by theIfop had described this reality by showing, with figures to support it, that French women were much more numerous than men in looking for accommodation or booking a plane ticket.

    The situation has clearly not changed since 58% of female travelers surveyed by the booking platform VoyagesPirates admit to having to take care of all the logistics of the holidays. And we’re not just talking about the organizational aspect before departure. Logistics also includes shopping on site, laundry… In short, the mental burden of everyday life that ultimately doesn’t take a vacation.

    Worse, not only do you have to pack your bags and plan accommodation suitable for the whole family, but everything also has to be on track so that the tribe is satisfied. No less than 81% of female travelers who take care of organizing their vacations feel responsible for their success. In this quest, some are ready to forget their desires or preferences.

    In other words, they deprive themselves in favor of their family’s well-being. This study reveals that 54% of women sometimes compromise on their personal preferences. And the situation is even regular for 21% of those surveyed. The sacrifice seems such that 47% of women that their involvement and their “work” is never recognized at its true value. In the end, the mental burden is so heavy that 10% are unable to enjoy themselves once they arrive on site.

    *This study was conducted on a sample of 358 VoyagesPirates users from May 27 to June 17, 2024.

    Mental load illustrated

    Slideshow: Mental load illustrated
