Not everyone can shop or even cook every day. And to preserve fresh food and prepared meals for a long time and correctly, there is a technique that is both simple and economical.
To eat healthily without breaking the bank, buying raw foods in large quantities is a very good practice to pay less by weight or volume. In the same way, cooking large portions of food in advance allows you to benefit from limiting the consumption of ready-made and processed meals, while avoiding spending all your free time in the kitchen.
But to fully benefit from these virtues and advantages, it is essential to be able to properly store your food and preparations. Both to reduce waste and to preserve the flavors and nutritional qualities of products, food preservation is an important issue. And among all the existing methods, one of them is particularly effective: vacuuming.
By removing air from packaging, this technique significantly slows the natural degradation of food, thereby extending its shelf life. The principle is simple: in the absence of oxygen, the chemical reactions causing rancidity and bacterial proliferation are strongly limited. Vacuum-packed foods can be stored much longer than in the open air, whether refrigerated or frozen.
This method also preserves aromas and vitamins, offering the possibility of enjoying homemade dishes as if they had just been prepared. Furthermore, vacuum packaging has the advantage of reducing the volume of food, thus making it easier to store. Vacuum packaging takes up less space in the refrigerator or freezer, optimizing the available space. Additionally, this technique allows foods to be marinated more quickly and efficiently, with flavors penetrating deeper into the flesh.
If vacuuming is a technique mainly used in the professional world, it is also accessible to everyone thanks to domestic vacuuming devices. This equipment is easy to use and allows you to vacuum seal a wide variety of foods, from meats to vegetables, fruits and culinary preparations. And today they are very affordable: you can find models starting from 20 euros on Amazon or at Lidl, for example. And special bag packs only cost a few euros.
However, it is important to keep in mind that vacuuming is not a miracle solution. Some foods, such as very ripe fruit or dairy products, do not store well this way. In addition, it is essential to respect hygiene rules when preparing and vacuum-sealing food. Finally, you should regularly check the condition of the packaging and consume the food within the recommended time frame.