not clearly in the lead, disaster in the legislative elections!

not clearly in the lead disaster in the legislative elections

MACRON. After a turbulent campaign, Emmanuel Macron sees the majority rally neck and neck with the NUPES in the first round of the legislative elections. President Emmanuel Macron sees himself weakened by the position of his Together coalition before an uncertain second round.

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[Mis à jour le 13 juin 2022 à 15h38] Emmanuel Macron, elected for a second term as President of the Republic on April 24, did not succeed in his bet to place his new Together rally clearly in the lead in the first round of the legislative elections. On Sunday June 12, the voters placed this coalition neck and neck with the NUPES, the new coalition of the left. According to the results published on Sunday evening, Ensemble turns well in the lead but is closely followed by the new alliance NUPES. What arouse concern and questions before a second round which could well see the President of the Republic being deprived of an absolute majority to govern.

These results put Emmanuel Macron undeniably in difficulty before the second round. Since his re-election last April, Emmanuel Macron has faced a series of scandals and controversies that have left less room for the campaign of the candidates of his coalition Together. Emmanuel Macron did not benefit from the traditional state of grace. For the first days of his five-year term, Emmanuel Macron was confronted with a series of scandals and controversies, immediately or almost after his re-election. A black series which came to blur both the renewal sequence promised by the Head of State and the reshuffle carried out in mid-May, but which also weighed down the campaign of the majority, forced to put out the fires one after the other until the day before the first round or almost.

The Abad affair or that of the Stade de France have focused media interest and criticism. Emmanuel Macron traveled in person across France to “illustrate the priorities of the five-year term”, in particular “youth” and “everyday security”, his entourage told AFP. The opportunity to attack (finally?) his opponents. In the Tarn, the head of state castigated the “extreme” who “propose to add crisis to crisis by going back to the great historical choices of our Nation”. He attacked without naming them the coalition of the Nupes and the RN of Marine Le Pen who want, according to him, “to return to the alliances which, like NATO, ensure collective security and protect the peoples” at a time “when [il] speaks with Russia which massacres the civilians in Ukraine”.

Emmanuel Macron has chosen to pose, as during the presidential election, as a bulwark against “the extremes”, sending the radical left and the far right back to back. He also affirmed his support for the internal security forces, “in particular our gendarmes” whom he visited at the Gaillac gendarmerie brigade. And to tackle in passing the controversial remarks of Mr. Mélenchon on “the police who kill”. “There are things that from where I am, I cannot accept, it is that we insult those who risk their lives to protect ours,” said the head of state. “I do not think that people who come from socialism or from republican political forces can make comments on justice, on the police like those made by Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, further estimated the President of the Republic, in an allusion to the controversy launched after the criticism of the leader of Nupes against the police, he had also declared a week earlier in the Paris region.
