“Not because we have freedom of speech”

It was on Thursday that the Security Police announced at a press conference that the terror threat level was raised to the fourth level out of five. At the same time, the public was urged to continue living their lives as usual. Contradictory, thinks Leif GW Persson, who believes that it is the Koran burnings that are “raising the temperature” right now.

– They have to keep going because of some kind of freedom of expression. Every thinking person, the given exception from our culture editors of course, must realize that freedom of expression has not been added so that some stools can run freely and threaten both Sweden’s interests and the lives of individual citizens. That’s not why we have freedom of speech, it’s the exact opposite.

GW is clear that he does not think that either Rasmus Paludan or Salwan Momika should be allowed to continue their Koran burnings.

– If I had a say, both Paludan and this other cuckoo from Iraq would spend their time in the fink. I could get them there without changing the ordinance.

He also believes that it can have other consequences than acts of terrorism.

– We can only forget about NATO membership as long as this is going on.

It’s about priorities

Deterring a possible terrorist act is quite simple for the Security Police, according to GW and points out that it is a matter of prioritizing where the risks are greatest.

– If you want to carry out a terrorist action like this, it applies to both individuals, I usually call them poor man’s terrorists who drive their car into a crowd or run amok with a knife, or planned bombings and shootings, you want to achieve maximum attention in the media. Then Stockholm is at the top of the list.

But the bigger the target, the more coverage. In addition, it is a matter of resources.

– The ideal goal is, of course, to blow up the Government Office at the time the government is in session, and take some officials along the way. This is tricky. Local terrorists have limited resources, and then it might be Trollhättan anyway because they don’t have the money to go to Stockholm.

Impossible position

Preventing a lone actor from committing a crime is trickier. Impossible means GW. That’s why he is surprised when he sees the police come out and say that they have “full control” of the situation.

– Then I get worried. This is a situation where you cannot possibly have full control. If we were in full control, we wouldn’t need to discuss risk levels.
