Discouraging events have been announced by Nostradamus for 2025. France seems concerned by a surprisingly precise prediction.
The year 2025 has just begun, what does it have in store for us? Nostradamus made predictions for this new year in his work The Prophecies, written in the form of quatrain poems. These predictions only concern him and those who still want to believe them today. They remain in the realm of fantasy and are unclear, leaving ample room for equivocal interpretations.
Some have also turned out to be false: the 16th century French apothecary, passionate about astrology, would have predicted for 2024 the dismissal of Charles III and the arrival of a new pope following the death of Pope Francis, none of these two events occurred. Previously, according to certain very biased readings, he would nevertheless have been right about the rise of Hitler, the September 11 attacks or even the death of Queen Elizabeth II, reinforcing the interest which is still shown in his writings.
Nostradamus would mention natural disasters in his prophecies for 2025, particularly linked to global warming. It seems to refer to a volcanic eruption in the Andes, but also to earthquakes and violent storms. He would also have announced an economic crisis, involving food and medical shortages. These two predictions do not appear so surprising given the proliferation of such events in recent years and the current global economic difficulties.

Nostradamus also wrote: “By a long war, the whole army is exhausted / So that they find no money for the soldiers / Instead of gold or silver, they will come to mint leather / Gallic brass and the sign of the crescent moon. With such a prediction, it may be tempting for those who believe it to see a link with the war in Ukraine.
Other countries would then be affected by the conflict, including France, represented here by the term “Gallic” and Turkey, symbolized by the “crescent moon”. Europe could then be, according to some interpretations, invaded by a Russian-Arab alliance. For those who go even further, the seer would have predicted, with these few words, the start of a third world war. All this bad news would cause a massive population movement towards America and Australia.
Furthermore, Nostradamus did not stop in 2025 and was more optimistic for the future. He predicted that a savior would come to “restore peace to Europe.” This great leader would be accompanied by a powerful army and would be expected to reorganize the world order.