Northern Mali again the scene of deadly clashes between jihadist groups

Northern Mali again the scene of deadly clashes between jihadist

Northern Mali is once again the scene of struggles for influence between rival jihadist groups. In recent days, clashes have pitted the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (Jnim) against fighters from the Islamic State group in the Sahel in localities in the Ménaka region. Saturday October 29, it seems that the balance of power on the ground has changed.

With our regional correspondent, Serge Daniel

The clashes mainly took place in three localities from the Menaka region : Adéraboukane, Inchnane and Tamalate. According to several sources, they lasted a few days and were violent. The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group reportedly received support from fighters from outside Mali. For its part, the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (Jnim) seems to have benefited from the support of local armed groups.

The civilian populations have left hastily hamlets and villages to flee the combatants and the various assessments circulating report several dozen victims on both sides.

The Jnim would have taken over the locality of Tamalate. If the information is confirmed, it is a serious setback for IS, which had launched a deadly attack last March against this town, killing at least a hundred civilians, especially women and children.

In two other localities, IS fighters have apparently packed up. Will they try to come back in force? Several observers are worried, weapons are still circulating illegally in these areas and the absence of the Malian state on the ground does not reassure the populations.

► To read also: Mali: the president of a Fulani association denounces the abuses against his community
