North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles | News in brief

North Korea launched two short range ballistic missiles News in

North Korea launched the first missile a little after five o’clock local time on Monday morning and the second just ten minutes after that, says South Korea.

North Korea has launched two short-range ballistic missiles, South Korea’s military says. North Korea launched the first missile shortly after five o’clock local time on Monday morning, and the second just ten minutes after that.

According to the South Korean armed forces, the first of the missiles flew a distance of about 600 kilometers, while the flight of the latter remained 120 kilometers long. According to the military, South Korean and US officials are currently analyzing the technical details.

South Korea’s armed forces say they have strengthened surveillance in preparation for new launches. North Korea’s state news agency has not offered immediate confirmation of the missile launch.

Last week, North Korea said it had successfully tested several warhead missiles, but South Korea said the launch ended in a mid-air explosion.
