North Korea launched a dozen ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan | Foreign countries

North Korea launched a dozen ballistic missiles into the Sea

On Wednesday, North Korea sent balloons containing garbage, toilet paper and suspected animal feces to its southern neighbor.

North Korea appears to have fired a dozen ballistic missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan, the South Korean military said.

Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida according to which the missiles fell outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone. South Korea said the missiles flew about 350 kilometers.

According to the South Korean military, the launch was “a provocation that seriously threatens peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.”

Japan’s public broadcaster NHK showed video footage of what appeared to be a flaming projectile in the night sky that exploded into a fireball. NHK said it filmed the footage in northeastern China at the same time as the launch attempt.

Failed spy satellite transmission

Earlier on Monday, North Korea unsuccessfully attempted to launch a new spy satellite into orbit.

On Tuesday, South Korea criticized its northern neighbor’s failed attempt. According to South Korea, this was a provocative act threatening the stability of the region.

On Wednesday, North Korea sent balloons containing garbage, toilet paper and suspected animal feces to its southern neighbor. South Korea’s military blamed its northern neighbor for inferior actions. North Korea had warned over the weekend that it would cover the border areas with “garbage and filth” to punish the South.

In November, North Korea said it had successfully launched its first spy satellite into orbit after at least two failed launch attempts.

Sources: AFP, Reuters
