North Korea is suspected of dropping feces on South Korea in retaliation | Foreign countries

North Korea is suspected of dropping feces on South Korea

South Korean activists sent propaganda leaflets and delicious cookies to the northern neighbor, and North Korea promised to pay “in kind”.

North Korea is suspected of sending around 200 balloons carrying garbage bags to South Korea on Tuesday night.

According to the South Korean authorities, the garbage bags contained at least plastic bottles, toilet paper, soil, radiators, shoe parts and, based on the “dark color and smell”, excrement.

In one of the pictures, the word excrement can also be seen on the bag that fell to the ground.

The South Korean news agency Yonhap, a British newspaper, among others, report on the matter The Guardian and the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC.

Authorities have warned citizens not to touch garbage bags and balls found in eight of South Korea’s nine provinces. Residents were also asked to stay inside.

Revenge promised

The alleged harassment happened shortly after the country’s authorities had warned South Korea.

In North Korea, there has been frustration over balloons sent by South Korean activists, which have brought into the country, among other things, propaganda leaflets against the North Korean regime, cash, candy bars banned in the country and USB sticks with South Korean K-pop music videos.

North Korea issued a statement on Sunday, according to which it will pay the activists’ actions “in the same measure” and spread garbage in South Korea.

North Korea’s biggest ball operation

The latest incident is not the first time that North Korea has teased its southern neighbor with balls.

Similar operations were also carried out between 2016 and 2018. However, the most recent case is the largest single ball shipment, South Korean officials estimate.
