North Korea is said to have recognized breakaway republics

North Korea is said to have recognized breakaway republics

Published: Just now

full screen North Korea’s Kim Jong Un shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting in Vladivostok 2019. Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP / TT

North Korea is said to have recognized the so-called People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent and autonomous states.

Formal recognition of the People’s Republics has been handed over to the Russian ambassador to Pyongyang by North Korea’s deputy foreign minister, the Russian news agency Interfax reports. Denis Pushilin, leader of the Russian-backed separatist movement Donetsk People’s Republic, confirms the recognition.

Following the announcement, Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry announced that it was severing diplomatic relations with North Korea.

Previously, Syria was the only country, apart from Russia, to recognize the occupied Ukrainian breakaway republics. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky then announced that Ukraine was severing diplomatic relations with Syria.
