North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, one fails

North Korea fires two short range ballistic missiles one fails

North Korea carried out two short-range ballistic missile launches on Monday, July 1, one of which failed, the South Korean army reported, a day after Pyongyang warned of the “fatal consequences” that joint maneuvers led by Seoul and its allies could have.

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A first short-range projectile was launched at 5 a.m. local time (20:05 UTC), followed by a second ten minutes later, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. The first short-range ballistic missile traveled about 600 kilometers “, the statement said, adding that the second traveled 120 kilometers. One of the missiles, which failed, may have flown abnormally, and it cannot be ruled out that it fell to the ground.e,” the South Korean Defense Ministry said in a statement.

According to Lee Sung-jun, the spokesperson for the General Staff, if the missile exploded in mid-flight, debris could have landed in North Korea, based on the trajectory observed. “ Our military has increased surveillance in anticipation of further launches », Declared the same source, specifying that it had transmitted information on these incidents to the United States and Japan.

The rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang

North Korea is accused of violating several UN resolutions by supplying weapons to Russia for use in its war in Ukraine. Seoul is concerned about a rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang. Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea in June to meet with leader Kim Jong-un and the two countries signed a mutual defense agreement.

Read alsoNorth Korea/Russia: Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin sign strategic partnership agreement

Asked whether the latest launch was a test of missiles aimed at Russia, the General Staff spokesman declined to comment.

These shots come a few days after North Korea claimed to have successfully tested a missile with multiple warheads, South Korea for its part ensuring that the projectile had exploded in flight.

Warning on joint maneuvers with Tokyo and Washington

On Sunday June 30, Pyongyang denounced the joint military maneuvers carried out by South Korea, Japan and the United States, describing this alliance as “ Asian version of NATO ” and warning them against fatal consequences ».

These three days of military exercisesbaptized Freedom Edge, took place from Thursday to Sunday last week. They focused on air defense, submarine warfare and cyber defense and were also intended to prepare for ballistic missile launches. The American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Theodore Rooseveltthe Japanese guided missile destroyer JS Atago and the South Korean KF-16 fighter jet were deployed for these exercises.

Pyongyang has consistently criticized such military maneuvers, which it sees as preparations for an invasion of its territory. Seoul rejected Pyongyang’s accusations on Sunday, stressing that the latest exercises were part of regular joint drills between the three allies. A major ruling party meeting is currently taking place in North Korea, opened by leader Kim Jong-un, state media reported on Saturday.

Relations between the two Koreas are at their lowest in years, with Pyongyang stepping up weapons testing while sending balloons filled with garbage to the South, in retaliation for propaganda campaigns against the North Korean regime by South Korea.

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