North Korea delivers more than 1,000 containers of military equipment to Russia – L’Express

North Korea delivers more than 1000 containers of military equipment

Collaboration is intensifying between two of the most threatening military powers on the planet. North Korea has delivered “more than a thousand containers” of military equipment and ammunition to Russia in recent weeks, a White House spokesperson said on Friday, October 13. This material will be used to “attack Ukrainian cities and kill Ukrainian civilians,” denounced John Kirby, spokesperson for the American National Security Council, during an interview with journalists.

He indicated that in exchange, North Korea was also seeking to obtain Russian military equipment and “sophisticated technologies”, in particular planes, missiles, armored vehicles and equipment used for the production of ballistic missiles. The United States has “already observed the unloading of containers by Russian boats in North Korea, which could constitute the first deliveries” of Russian military equipment. “This growing military partnership between North Korea and Russia, including through technology transfers, threatens the stability of the region and the international non-proliferation regime,” the spokesperson further declared.

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Fighting intensifies in Avdiivka

The eastern Ukrainian town of Avdiivka is under a fourth day of Russian offensive. According to Russia’s representative to the United Nations, the intensification of these fighting in the east signifies a new stage in the Russian campaign and that “the so-called Ukrainian counter-offensive can therefore be considered over”, reports the Guardian. Launched in June, it has made some progress both in the east, near Bakhmout, and in the south, where Kiev hopes to cut a land bridge linking Russian positions to the south and east. Russia, meanwhile, has focused its campaign along the 1,000-kilometer front in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.

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In Washington, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby acknowledged that the Russian action amounted to a “new offensive” – ​​showing that Russia was in no way ready to abandon its campaign – but is said to be confident in the ability of the Ukrainian army to repel Russian forces. According to the head of the Ukrainian military administration in the city, “the fighting has been going on for 4 consecutive days.” “They have large reserves of personnel and equipment. Avdiivka is completely on fire. They are firing using everything they have. The hospital is under fire again, as are the administrative buildings and our center of volunteers,” he said on national television.

Three Navalny lawyers arrested

Three lawyers of imprisoned Russian opponent Alexeï Navalny were placed in pre-trial detention on Friday after searches by Russian security services, his team announced, in a case of “extremism” punishable by heavy penalties. These police raids took place at the homes in Russia of Vadim Kobzev, Igor Sergunin and Alexei Liptser, all of whom have defended Navalny in the past. All three were arrested and remanded in custody until at least December 13 by the court.

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A collaborator of Alexeï Navalny who went abroad, Leonid Volkov, explained on years in prison. Arrested in January 2021 upon his return from Germany where he was hospitalized after being the victim of poisoning, Alexeï Navalny must now serve heavy sentences, the last of which was 19 years in prison for “extremism”. At the end of September, he said he was to be transferred for a year to a cell with very strict conditions.

Russia and Mali sign nuclear agreement

The Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, announced on Friday that it had signed with Mali a “memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy”, in order to develop civil nuclear power in this African country where Moscow has strengthened its presence in recent years. The document covers both the development of nuclear infrastructure in Mali, and the “training of personnel, nuclear research facilities and nuclear energy” and “public awareness” of this energy.

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Russia already has a presence in Mali, notably through that of its military “instructors”. Rosatom had announced a few hours earlier that it had signed an agreement with Burkina Faso for the construction of a nuclear power plant by Moscow in this country. Since the start of its offensive in Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has sought to strengthen its diplomatic and security ties with Africa, competing in certain countries with France.

Russia shoots down two drones over the Black Sea

Russia said this Saturday, October 14, that it had shot down two attack drones over the Black Sea, while anti-aircraft defense was operating in the seaside resort of Sochi, in the south of the country. Russian media, however, reported that there was disruption at the time of the attack. The Interfax news agency, citing the airport press service, said there were temporary restrictions at the airport for security reasons.

Last month, Russia reported a major fire at a fuel depot near Sochi airport, with some influential media saying it was caused by a Ukrainian drone. The seaside resort of Sochi, a popular destination for many Russians, is particularly known for its Olympic Park built for the 2014 Winter Games.
