Norrköping in collaboration with Hamnstad in Ukraine

The declaration of intent was presented by Reidar Svedahl (L) and Christoffer Jarnvall (SD) at a press conference on Tuesday.

“Perhaps Norrköping’s most important task will be to support our own local organizations and companies with contacts – how their help comes across correctly,” says municipal councilor Christopher Jarnvall (SD).

On site in Ukraine

The Sweden Democrats and the Liberals have independently raised the issue of support for Ukraine. Last week, Christopher Jarnvall (SD) was in the port city of Kherson where fighting between Ukraine and Russia is ongoing.

– We heard the aircraft alarm several times a day and the artillery fire along the river. We saw the devastation of perhaps Ukraine’s most important port city, he says.

Cooperation in both the short and long term

Norrköping can, among other things, provide discarded material or vehicles that Kherson needs in civil society. Give advice on EU adaptation and the Swedish labor market.

The collaboration takes place with the support of SKR.
