Norrbotten’s women’s emergency services critical of new requirements: “We are being deprived of our tools”

As of March 1, 2024, it is proposed that new requirements apply to sheltered housing, with permit requirements and quality requirements. However, the women’s emergency services are critical of the fact that their expertise in the field has not succeeded in influencing the design of the legal advice referral, which they believe is far too general.

– It is a completely new kind of business that is in demand. These permit criteria that you have are only adapted to residential activities and apply broadly. It has not been niched against our knowledge or our way of working, says Jenny Westerstrand, chairman of ROKS.

“Don’t equate us with private actors”

Westerstrand believes that there is a risk that the new requirements could lead to ROKS having to focus on other aspects of the business than offering sheltered accommodation. Something that, according to her, would have major consequences for vulnerable women.

– That would mean a lot. We know that the private actors do not have the same skills as we do. We are a movement from Kiruna in the north to Simrishamn in the south that shares knowledge with each other, says Westerstrand.

Hoping for a change

However, Jenny Westerstrand believes that they have not completely given up hope that the politicians will make corrections or changes in the legislative council referral. Which, according to her, is very costly and which was drawn up before the interest rate hikes and the war in Ukraine.

– We believe and hope that people will come to their senses. We are also interested in having our own framework around the permit obligation that captures us.

In the clip, you will hear more about the opinions of women’s shelters regarding the new licensing requirement.
