Norman Reedus, best known as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead, once recounted a strange experience where he was bitten by a fan.
Norman Reedus has to beware of the “walkers” in his role as Daryl Dixon in the zombie series The Walking Dead. But even in real life, there was a strange experience with a fan.
As the actor revealed on the American talk show Conan on TBS on March 12, 2020, a woman bit him during a photo shoot at a convention.
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“She looked like a nice woman”
When asked by Conan what was one of the strangest experiences the Walking Dead star has ever had with his fans, Norman Reedus thought for a moment.
Alongside breast implants he was gifted, the star recalled an experience from a 2015 convention in New Jersey.
A woman had bought a photo with the actor and at first everything seemed normal. But then the situation changed, as Norman Reedus humorously described:
I sat there and took a picture and she started shaking a little and then she looked up at the sky and howled like a werewolf.
Norman Reedus via YouTube
Then the fan suddenly bit the actor in the chest, quite hard, as Norman Reedus said. Although she did not seriously injure him, teeth marks were visible on the skin.
You can see the YouTube video of Norman Reedus telling the story here. Skip to 1:56:
via YouTube
Michael Rooker, who plays Daryl’s older brother Merle on the show, was also present when Norman Reedus was bitten. His reaction to this was to exclaim, “Oh, that didn’t just happen!”
The woman was immediately removed from the actor and escorted by the police from the fairgrounds. Outside, however, she seemed unable to remember what had just happened.
The actor was then asked if he wanted to file a complaint against the woman. But Norman Reedus said no, saying, ‘No, she only had a moment.’ She looked like a nice woman.
You can read about what happened in the first 10 minutes of the new Walking Dead series Daryl Dixon here with our colleagues at Moviepilot.
As RollingStone reports, the woman is said to have later commented on Instagram about her behavior and apologized:
“I finally met the love of my life and got banned from the rest of the convention, lost photo opportunities with him that are worth more than $100 because I lost my mind…I was so excited standing next to him…I was shooting just my head and bit it! I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t want to hurt him. I’m sorry, Norman!”
However, the post is no longer available on Instagram.
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