Normal people see Faker’s screen during a World Cup game – can’t figure it out

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In League of Legends, South Korean professional player Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (26) is a legend. He won 3 world championship titles at the beginning of LoL and is now in the final of the Worlds 2022 for the 5th time: But it has always been noticed that Faker uses the “Tab” key like crazy during a match. Spectators at the live tournament now noticed what that looked like in an emergency.

What is special about Faker’s gameplay?

  • Faker has long been considered the greatest player of all time in League of Legends: in the last 5 years, praise for him had died down as 4 new South Korean midlaners shone and Worlds won. But now at the LoL Worlds 2022, Faker seems to be in top form again.
  • Faker is known for repeatedly hitting the “Tab” key during a LoL game to look at the stats screen and see what other players are doing, what items they are buying. He only looks at these flashes for tiny moments, but apparently absorbs the information subconsciously in the meantime.
  • Or Faker looks at what’s going on elsewhere in the Rift – just playing your thing and paying attention to what your hero is doing in-game isn’t an option.
  • Now, during LoL Worlds 2022, this ability is making a name for itself again.

    The Life of Faker – That’s why he’s a living legend

    “Just Faker Things”

    This is the tweet: During his semi-final match at LoL Worlds 2022 with T1 against the Chinese of JDG, a Twitter user used her cell phone to film the players’ screens:

  • All other players look at their screen and see clearly what is happening
  • On the other hand, Faker’s screen flickers like crazy because he keeps looking at the stat screen or looking at other areas in the field
  • The tweet now has nearly 470,000 views and 19,500 likes. Many in the comments say they can’t figure out what the heck Faker can only see in hundredths of a second.

    A user says: The screen flickered so quickly that she assumed his monitor was simply malfunctioning. Another says: Bro, the guy plays Valorant on the side while playing the Worlds.

    Others say just watching Faker’s twitch stream gives them a headache from the pro’s insane tab orgy.

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    Faker becomes a meme: “Nerf Faker”

    How is this seen? This peculiarity of Faker, never staying calm, has been known in the community for a long time.

    As early as 2021, several videos about “Multitasking Faker” appeared, in which Faker briefly looked at umpteen other tabs on his computer while playing a lol game, solved complex captchas, calculated math problems or excelled in other games.

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    If you can’t get enough of Faker, there are two more variants of the meme here (via youtube) and here (via youtube).

    Just out of this world.

    Faker made his way back to the finals in 2022 with T1, meeting one of his oldest rivals, who he went to school with 10 years ago, Deft.

    He’s also 26, had a much less spectacular career than Faker, but now the final is everything. Either Faker is the first player to win title number 4 or the total underdog wins the Worlds:

    LoL: An underdog beats the favorite to the Worlds title – DRX ruins last 8 perfect bets
