Norfolk teen has winning design for Pumpkinfest clothing

Each year Pumpkinfest clothing becomes a hot commodity with festival-goers snapping up the latest designs.

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This year’s design was thanks to Kyleigh Rees, a 13-year-old Norfolk County resident.

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Kyleigh’s creation was selected as the winner of this year’s Waterford Pumpkinfest clothing design contest held this spring.

It also marked the second time this year she has won such a competition.

This summer, Kyleigh won the Dairee Delite T-shirt design contest held in recognition of the Brantford ice cream stand’s 70th anniversary.

“I like anything artistic – photography, painting, drawing, writing short stories and graphic design,” said Kyleigh, a Grade 8 student at Scotland-Oakland Public School. “When I get bored, I just draw.

“Sometimes I don’t know how things will turn out until the project is done.”

For her efforts, Kyleigh received clothing with her design from Waterford Pumpkinfest and is due to receive a plaque as well. For the Dairee Delite contest, Kyleigh received a sweater with her design, $70 worth of ice cream and $70 to donate to her charity of choice – the Arthritis Society.

Pumpkinfest organizers were busy selling T-shirts with Kyleigh’s design throughout the weekend.

“I love Waterford Pumpkinfest,” Kyleigh said. “The time of year, the pumpkin tower, the parade, the car show and the memories and traditions it brings.”

As for the future, Kyleigh already has a career in mind.

She wants to be a tattoo artist.

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