Aimee Buckborough was Among Those who Took A Plunge for Special Olympics Ontario on Sunday.
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“It was really cold,” Buckborough, A Special Olympics Athlete, Said Following Her Icy Dip Into Erie at Turkey Point. “But it was Worth it.
“I RAISED $ 1,645 and it’s WONDERFUL because I have my family and friends here supporting me.”
Michael Pacheco and Taylor Bennett, Two Other Special Olympic Athletes from Simcoe, also Took the plunge on sunday. They were joined by special Olympics coach Andrew Varga and a Large Content of Law Enforcement Officers, Most of Whom Are Members of the Ontario Provincial Police.
Given the Time of Year, the Weather Conditions for the Event Were Just About Perfect.
The Temperature was about -3 c but felt work beecaus of the cool breeze coming off the lake. But the sun was shining brightly throughout the morning.
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Participants Ran Into the water three or oven people at a time. After Emerging from the water they were Greeted by family or Friends Holding Large Blankets to Help Them Get Warmed Up.
A Nearby Trailer Gave Participants in Place to Dry Off and Change Into Dry Clothing.
Many of the Oppe Officers Wore Their Uniforms When They Took the Plunge. Some participants Went Into the Cold Water Wearing Only A Bathing Suit, While Others Wore A Bathing Suit and A T-shirt.
The polar plunge is an annual event help through the province as the Law Enforcement Torch Run in Support of Special Olympics Ontario.
The Torch Run is a national initiative that has raised more than $ 74 million since its Inception. Proceeds from the Run and Polar Plunges Help Athletes with Developmental Challenges Participate in Special Olympic Events at the Regional, National and International Level.
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There are just under 100 special Olympic Athletes in Norfolk County.
In some Areas, Law Enforcement Officers and Other Participants Are Plunged or Dropped Into Metal Bin, Lined With Tarp and Girl With Ice-Cold Water. In Norfolk, The Event is held at the Turkey Point Beach.
Participants Are Asked to Collect Pledges and Buckborough was this year’s top fundraiser. She received some Law Enfurcence Torch Run Swag included a large Blanket and a Knapsack.
Const. Jeremy Renton, who participated and organized the polar plunge, was happy with the results of Sunday’s event.
“We had a lot of people come out to support us, we had great weather, 25 participants and we raised more than $ 11,000,” Renton Said.
