Norfolk reviewing status of county-owned land

A public meeting to discuss the future of the Vittoria Old Town Hall and land under review in that community by Norfolk County will be held on Nov. 22.

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The meeting will focus on the town hall, which dates back to 1870 and has been closed for at least four years. Costly renovations are needed to bring it up to building code and accessibility requirements.

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Also to be discussed at the meeting are two other Vittoria properties: 15 Firefighter Lane, listed as Vittoria Ballpark; and vacant land at 14 Oakes Blvd.

“Norfolk County is inviting members of the public to provide feedback on some initial shortlisted county-owned vacant land as part of a review of potential surplus land,” said a news release issued by the county. “During previous budget deliberations, council directed staff to review underutilized land identified as not significant for present or future needs that could be sold.”

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Proceeds, said the release, will “help fund council-approved priorities and further solidify Norfolk’s financial position.”

The public engagement session focusing on the Vittoria Old Town Hall will be held at the Vittoria and District Community Center from 6 pm to 7:30 pm Norfolk County staff will make a presentation, hold a question-and-answer session, and provide an opportunity for written and online feedback.

In February, Norfolk County council agreed to mutually terminate a lease for the Vittoria Old Town Hall with Ames Distilling Ltd. after “it became apparent that significantly more time and resources would be required to make the hall safe, accessible and up to code.”

A group of concerned residents gathered at the town hall in September to voice their concern about the fate of the historic building. Nancy Racz called it “the heart of the village.”

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Other public meetings will be held to discuss additional potential surplus land in Norfolk: on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at Langton Community Center from 3:30 pm to 5 pm; and at Talbot Gardens, 10 Talbot St. North in Simcoe on Thursday, Nov. 23 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm

In addition to the vacant land in Vittoria, the land under review includes:

  • Portion of Walsingham Community Park, 2070 Main St., Walsingham.
  • Lot 17, Kenneth Ave, Woodhouse
  • Lot 19, Kenneth Ave., Woodhouse
  • Block A., Kenneth Ave, Woodhouse
  • Lot 33 and 32, Sovereen St., Delhi
  • Portion of 27 Elizabeth Cres., Courtland
  • 197 Queen Street East, St. Williams
  • Portion of Percy Ryerse Park, 20 La Salle St., Port Dover
  • Lingwood Park, Lingwood Dr., Waterford
  • Portion of Colonel Stalker Park, Warren Road, Simcoe
  • Woodlot, Hawtry Road/Highway 59, Delhi.

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Norfolk County owns more than 2,500 acres of vacant land, parkland and woodlots. The operating costs to maintain this land include grass cutting and tree maintenance, as well as insurance and administration, said a release.

“The County Land Review Project is a positive development for the community,” said Norfolk Mayor Amy Martin. “The project will provide an opportunity to generate funds for council-approved priorities and further solidify Norfolk’s financial position. Additionally, by selling vacant land, we can do our part to provide land for future homes or employment.”

More information about the project and how to provide feedback can be found at .

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