Norfolk-Oxford Kidney Walk raises $5,700

Norfolk Oxford Kidney Walk raises 5700

Tillsonburg’s annual Kidney Walk, renamed in memory of Dylan D’Hulster in 2015, has a new home and name.

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Greg and Anita D’Hulster, co-chairs of the Oxford Kidney Walk for several years, have moved to Port Rowan in Norfolk County, and the local Kidney Foundation of Canada fundraiser is now known as the Norfolk-Oxford Kidney Walk.

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Clients requiring dialysis in the two counties are usually taken to a hospital in Tillsonburg or Woodstock, and some may go to Hamilton, said Greg.

This year’s re-branded walk on Sept. 24 raised about $5,700.

“We walked from the village to what is called The Wetlands in Port Rowan. There’s a trail through there, so it was about a six-km walk.”

Thirty-three people participated and Greg and Anita thanked them all, along with financial donors and businesses that donated prizes for the walkers.

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“We are truly grateful, and this walk will continue in Port Rowan in future years,” said Greg.

Donations can still be made online at the website.

The 2023 Norfolk-Oxford Kidney Walk raised about $5,700 for the Kidney Foundation of Canada – Ontario Branch on Sept. 24. SUBMITTED jpg, TN, apsmc

There were 28 in-person Ontario Kidney Walks on Sept. 24, including Brantford and London, as well as virtual walks.

“We are truly amazed by the outpouring of support from our kidney community,” said a spokesperson from the Kidney Foundation of Canada – Ontario Branch on Facebook. “You came together and crushed the fundraising goal for this year’s Kidney Walk, raising an outstanding $936,000 and counting! Together we continue to make it possible to support Canadians living with kidney disease through every step of their journey. We are grateful.”

Across Canada, a total of $2.03 million was raised this year.

“The Walk is the highlight of the year for us and brings the kidney community together like no other event. It was great to see you all.”

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